Geology of Wisconsin - Outcrop Descriptions. In 1976 the University of Wisconsin System - Central Administration provided special funding for the development of a field course on the Geology of Wisconsin. The initial descriptions were prepared by Professor G.L. La Berge (UW-Oshkosh) with the participation of Professors P.E. Myers (UW-Eau Claire), D.M. Mickelson (UW-Madison), and M.E. Ostrom (Geological and Natural History Survey, UW-Extension).
A major product of the development of this course is a series of over 100 descriptions of outcrops selected to illustrate various geologic formations, features, and characteristics in Wisconsin. Descriptions are loose-leaf, one to ten pages in length, including specific location with map at a scale of not less than one inch equals one mile, the geology usually with a photograph or sketch of the outcrop, a discussion of the significant geologic features, and a list of pertinent references. As additional outcrop descriptions are prepared, they will be added to the series.
An index of available descriptions is attached. The title of the outcrop is geographic, whereas the location is given to the appropriate section. For instance, Friendship Mound is catalogued as AD 17/ 6E/5, referring to Adams County (AD), T. 17 N. (17/), R. 6 E. (6E/), Section 5. Cost per outcrop is $1.00 each; the entire set can be purchased for $50.00. Please allow two weeks for processing and delivery. Inquiries should be directed to Map and Publication Sales Office, 608-263-7389.
Bookwood has a CD of the complete series.
- Bookwood Historical Collection, Star Lake