2006 Edition no longer carries Wilson as author, but states, "Dedicated to the memory of F.G. Wilson." The forward begins: "'Forest Trees of Wisconsin' was first published in 1928. It was written by F. G. Wilson, one of the eleven original forest rangers hired by the state in 1911. Fred Wilson, along with several other foresters, was one of the original pioneers of forest management in Wisconsin. He was the first to use seedlings to replant forest stands and was instrumental in developing the state forest nurseries for this purpose. The wisdom of Fred's pioneering efforts culminated in his planting the one billionth tree from the state nurseries in 1979."
The entry on White Pine (Pinus strobus) contains: "Notes. White Pine Blister Rust and White Pine Weevil continue to be a problem in the state. White pine is very susceptible to air pollution damage. It is intermediate in tolerance to shade and thus generally occurs as a temporary or intermediate (though long-lived) species in forest succession. White pine is a major dominant in Wisconsin's northern dry forests. It is the largest and longest lived species of the region."
Bookwood holds the editions cited above.
- Bookwood Historical Collection, Star Lake
- UW Madison/Wis Hist Soc