Star Lake Breezes
Minocqua Times, April 16, 1896
Original Date
  • Bookwood Historical Collection, Star Lake
  • Minocqua Public Library
  • UW Madison/Wis Hist Soc

The lakes will soon be open.

An elegant line of wall-paper at the store.

A. J. Cook will represent us on the town board as supervisor.

A. E. Williams made a business trip to Milwaukee last Saturday.

A large and roomy addition to the Boarding House is nearing completion.

Gene Bisby's new yacht, "Fern" will be ready for launching as soon as the lake opens.

Mr. and Mrs. LaSanski are the parents of a charming baby girl, who arrived April 3rd.

Mrs. Drisco, of Wausau, who has been visiting relatives here, left on Tuesday's passenger for her home.

Mrs. Frank Heisler, of Merrill, who has been working for the company here for the past eight months, left Monday for a visit with relatives down the line.

Mrs. C. Burnham, of Minocqua, was up from that busy city, a couple of days this week, with a storck of spring millinery and reports a fair trade in the goods.

Rev. Joyce, of Minocqua, held devine services here Sunday morning and evening. He interest in religious work is steadily increasing and the pastor is correspondingly happy.

Mark Philbrick and sister Maud went to their home at Merrill, last Monday. Mark has held a position wit the company here, and goes to fill a similar one with a lumber company at Merrill.

Station Agent Scholtz took a run down the line to ortage for a short visit with relatives and friends, returning last Thursday. Ryan reports having had a pleasant though short vacation.

A naked, hungry little fellow called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Takel last Monday evening. They welcominged the little stranger, clothed and fed him and promised to care for him until he advises otherwise.

Dr. Spring, of Merrill, ame up last Tuesday to assist Dr. Harvison in an operation on the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Schwanke. The little fellow stood the operation well and is on the way to rapid recovery.

Mrs. Jones, of Wausau, who is attending nurse with Mrs. Odell, will locate here in the near future. If there is anything needed here it is a skilled nurse, and the lade is competent to meet all requirements as years of experience fit her for the position.

Alexander Blue looks iwse and employs his spare hours studyin law now that he has become a full fledged justice. He offeers as a prize a combination wire hammock and baby carriage for the first couple he ties the matrimonial knot for, and Pete Caldwell says that he's going to try and win it.

The M. W. A. Ball at the hall last Saturday night, was a very pleasant social event. About 34 couples were in attendance and were unanimous in pronouncing it a success. The managers are pleased with the success of these entertainments and will continue them at intervals during the coming summer.

Last Tuesday will be remembered as a red letter day to Mr. and Mr. O. E. O'Dell, as on that date a tine baby girl joined the family circle with every indication of health and beauty that goes to make up the "handsomest baby in town." Ora also drew a prize in the town election and will wear the paraphernalia of constable during the coming year.

An accident that came near costing Pete Haigg his life happened last Wednesday. He was coupling cars loaded with logs and was caught between two that extended over the end of the cars. When picked up life seemed extinct but by energetic work on the part of hte doctors and assistant he was helped to a new lease of [sic] life. At present he is doing nicely and will now doubt be out again before long. IDLER.