Lower Tomahawk River Pines State Natural Area
Lower Tomahawk River Pines features mature stands of dry-mesic pine forest, a natural community historically prevalent over large portions of this ecoregion, which is now rare. Understory plant species include pipsissewa, bunchberry, trailing arbutus, wintergreen, twinflower, shining clubmoss and bracken fern. The Tomahawk River, which bisects the natural area, provides clean, fast-flowing stream habitat for the larval form of the state-threatened pygmy snaketail dragonfly. Wetlands in the river floodplain include patches of northern sedge meadow, alder thicket and tamarack swamp, along with scattered groves of silver maples. Golden-crowned kinglet, yellow-bellied sapsucker, pine warbler and yellow-rumped warbler are among the resident bird species found here. [From Wisconsin Naturally column in the February,2010 issues of Wisconsin Natural Resources.]
Note: In 2012 I tried to follow the driving directions to this SNA as provided in the Wisconsin Naturally column cited. The directions were evidently correct, but there is no marker of the site and no way to tell where it is. Approaching by canoe on the Lower Tomahawk River is the recommended way to see and appreciate the site.
**** indicates no known author.