Schools Serving Star Lake
The original school was built very early in the town's history. It burned and was replaced early in the twentieth century by a new school, which still stands today. In 2005-2006 it was acquired by the Friends of the Fredricksons and was restored, and now houses the Old Schoolhouse Gallery, operated by Libby Scott.
Known former students:
Hazel and Edith Frederickson.
Vernon Oie, Jr. Now (2007) a summer resident of Star Lake. Attended about two years in the 1920's.
**** indicates no known author.
Major References
Minor References
School Lunches
The Vilas County News Review in its Backward Glances column, Jan. 9, 2008, under 70 years ago (1938), says that "Star Lake School began serving hot lunch." The same column on Feb. 16, 2011, contained the following under 80 years ago: "A hot lunch program began at the school in Star Lake."
Consolidation Petition
The Vilas County News Review in its Backward Glances column, March 23, 2011, under 80 years ago (1931): "Fourteen people were petition the Sayner School Board, seeking consolidation of the Sayner and Star Lake schools and establishing a state graded school."
Shrake Family
From Suanne Shrake Pearson: "My family, the Shrake Family, leased the Old Star Lake Schoolhouse as a cottage in the 1930s, 1940s, and early 1950s. My parents were Thaddeus J. (Ted) Shrake, a railroad trainman on the Milwaukee Road's North Woods Hiawatha, and Alice M. Bradley Shrake.... Ted and Alice Shrake had to sets of twins and two other boys, who were veterans of World War II. My sister and I were the second set of twins."